About Wooridul Since 1982, world-class spine hospital
Selected 'World's Best Smart Hospitals 2025' by Newsweek(94th place / of 350 hospitals)
Held the 9th Spine Health Academy
Held the 8th Spine Health Academy
Acquired certificate of medical institution from the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare (4th)
Acquired 'Spine Specialty Hospital' by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare 5 times in a row
Selected 'World's Best Smart Hospitals 2024' by Newsweek(99th place / of 330 hospitals)
Held the 7th Spine Health Academy
Held the 6th Spine Health Academy
Published medical textbook ≪Transforaminal Endoscopy for Lumbar Spine≫ (Spriger)
The 110th International Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery(MISS) course
Opened 'SH Center' in Cheongdam Wooridul Spine Hospital
Selected ‘World’s Best Smart Hospitals 2023’ by Newsweek (98th place / of 300 hospitals)
Dr. Junseok Bae, the president of Cheongdam Wooridul Spine Hospital, - received 'The Parviz Kambin Award, 2022'
The 40th Anniversary of Wooridul Spine Hospital & the 5th of Spine Health Academy
The 106th International Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery(MISS) course
Held the 4th Spine Health Academy
Published medical textbook ≪Laser spine surgery≫ (Spriger)
Selected ‘World’s Best Smart Hospitals 2021’ by Newsweek(98th place / of 250 hospitals)
Acquired 'Spine Specialty Hospital' by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare 4 times in a row
Published medical textbook for thoracic spine ≪Minimally invasive thoracic spine surgery≫ (Springer)
Built MISS Course & Virtual Opearting System
Held the 103rd On-Line MISS Course (Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Course) Live Surgery
Published The Journal of Wooridul FTC(Friday Grand Tele-Conference)
Held Dr. Sang Ho Lee's nationwide book concert tour
Held the 3rd Spine Health Academy
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, designated as faculty member of ESPINEA under the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in UK
Acquired certificate of medical institution from the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare (3th)
Selected 'Top 10 Medical Tourism Destinations in the World 2018' by MTA
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, received 'The Parviz Kambin Award Gold', the best honored prize
Published medical textbook ≪Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery≫ (JP Medical)
Published autobiography of Dr. Sang Ho Lee ≪Patient is myself and my family≫
Held the 2nd Spine Health Academy
Held the symposium in celebration of the 100th MISS Course (Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Course)
Held the 1st Spine Health Academy
Estabilished Wooridul History Gallery
Acquired certificate of medical institution from the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare (3rd)
Acquired 'Spine Specialty Hospital' by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare 3 times in a row
Awarded grand prize in 《Global Healthcare》 organized by Edaily
Edited USA medical textbook ≪Endoscopic Spine Surgery - 2nd Edition≫
Published Englend medical textbook ≪Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery: Principles and Evidence-based Practice≫ 8 chapters
USA added new medical insurance code for endoscopic decompression developed by Wooridul
Awarded 'the Minister's Prize' at 2017 Medical Healthcare
Selected as the ‘Top 30 Most Technologically Advanced Hospital’ by Top Master’s in Healthcare Administration(MHA)
Awarded 'the Minister's Prize' at 2016 Medical Healthcare
Acquired certificate of medical institution from the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare (2nd)
Acquired 'Spine Specialty Hospital' by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare 2 times in a row
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, received 'The Parviz Kambin Award, 2015' as the first Asian winner
Selected as 'Top 10 World's Best Hospital for Medical Tourists' organized by MTQUA for the four consecutive years
Dr. Sang Ho Lee, awarded grand prize in 《Global Healthcare》 organized by Edaily
Awarded '2014 Customer Happy Life Brand Awards' organized by FORTUNE KOREA
Published a book 《Minimax spinal procedure》
Signed MOU with UAE Armed Forces for healthcare service
Selected as 'Top 10 World's Best Hospital for Medical Tourists' organized by MTQUA for the three consecutive years
Signed franchise MOU with Jeonju Wooridul Hospital
Dr. Sang Ho Lee, awarded grand prize in 《Health internationalize Overseas Award》 organized by Health Chosun Medical 2013’
Dr. Sang Ho Lee appointed the president of Korean Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
Signed MOU with Medtronic on the establishment of education center for spinal treatment, which is the first in Asia
Compiled ≪Endoscopic Spinal Surgery≫ standard English textbook
Published 《Endoscopic Spinal Procedure》 translated into Portuguese: ≪Procedimentos endoscópicos da coluna vertebral≫
Published 《Endoscopic Spinal Procedure》 translated into Spanish: ≪Procedimientos endoscópicos de la columna vertebral≫
Published 《Endoscopic Spinal Procedure》 translated into Chinese: ≪脊柱内镜手术技巧与演示≫
Opened Gangbuk Wooridul Hospital
Signed franchise MOU with Gwangju and Gwangju Bukgu Wooridul Hospital
Opened ‘Wooridul Spine Health Pte Ltd’ in Singapore, which is main office of Global Wooridul Hospital Network
Held the 30th anniversary of opening Wooridul Hospital
Selected as 'Top 10 World's Best Hospital for Medical Tourists' organized by MTQUA for the two consecutive years
Acquired certificate of medical institution from the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare (1st)
Dr. Sang Ho Lee, appointed chairman of Korean Institute of Hospital Management
Published 《Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery and Technique》 translated into English
Opened Pohang Wooridul Hospital
Opened Istanbul Wooridul Hospital
Opened Dubai Wooridul Hospital
Acquired Specialty Hospital for Spine by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, elected to president at The International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery
Dr. Sang Ho Lee awarded grand prize Handok Academic Management Award
Opend Geriatric Spine Clinic / Interventional Treatment Clinic
Published a book 《Trim Disc Not Remove》
Published a book ≪Good Posture and Exercise for Patients with Spinal Disc Disease≫
Published e-books 《Good Posture and Exercise for Patients with Spinal Disc Disease》 & 《Endoscopic Lumbar Disc Procedure, Protecting Normal Tissue》
Dr. Sang Ho Lee appointed as the president of ISMISS(The International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery)
Published USA medical textbook ≪Endoscopic Spine Procedures≫
Acquired A's for all 11 criteria of Medical Institution Evaluation of the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare for two consecutive years
Selected as one of World's Top 10 Hospitals for Medical Tourists by the U.S. Medical Travel Quality Alliance (MTQUA)
Wooridul International Spine Hospital - Jakarta opened in Indonesia
Acquired the nation's first specialty hospital certified by JCI
Published 《Good Posture and Exercise for Patients with Spinal Disc Disease》
Published 《Endoscopic Lumbar Disc Procedure, Protecting Normal Tissue》
Opend Shanghai Wooridul Hospital
Awarded the 2009 Korea Global Medical Marketing Award
Awarded 'the Medical Tourism Transparency Award' of Healthtourism.com, the U.S.-based medical tourism evaluator
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, awarded the Plaque of Lifelong Appreciation by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Busan Wooridul Hospital selected as the 'Frontier of Busan Strategic Industries.'
Expanded Gimpo Airport Wooridul Hospital
Started joint, cyber knife spine cancer treatment
Selected as one of the Best International Hospitals in the World by the U.S. Medical Tourism Association (MTA)
Wooridul Hospital highlighted by the New York Times
Founded the Journal of Critical Spine Case (JCSC)
Signed global partnership contract with AIG International
Published ≪The textbook of Spine≫ 3 chapters
Published a book ≪Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique≫
Opened Daegu Wooridul Hospital
Opened Non-surgery Spine General Center at Dongrae Wooridul Hospital (Nangmin-dong, Busan)
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, achieved the first prize “2007 Korean economic readers” in R&D management
Achieved all A in hospital evaluation surveys by Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare and selected an excellent hospital
Signed global partnership contract with worldwide insurance company ‘HTH World Wide Co. (USA)’and ‘Venbreda International Co. (Belgium)’
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, appointed as president at International Intradiscal Therapy Society (IITS) (2007 ~ 2008)
Estabilished endoscopic surgery technique for Carpal tunnel Syndrome
Published a Turkish medical textbook ≪Dejeneratif Omurga Hastaliklari≫ 4 chapters
Opened Busan Wooridul Hospital Oncheon-dong
Opened Wooridul International Patient Center (WIPC)
'Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy' selected the best article by the academy of American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)
Selected as the hospital with low antibiotic prescriptions announced by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, appointed as president at World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Techniques (WCMISST)
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, The Korea Neurosurgical Society Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon branch president assumption
Published a US medical textbook ≪Dynamic Reconstruction of the Spine≫ 3 chapters
Opened Non-surgery Spine General Center at Cheongdam Wooridul Spine Hospital
Winning a prize of Asian Hospital Management Awards ‘Human Resources Development’ section for the first time in Korea
Developed WSH Lumbar cage
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, appointed as president at International Musculoskeletal Laser Society (IMLAS)
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, appointed as president at International Musculoskeletal Laser Society Korea (IMLAS Korea)
Selected as the specialty hospital in spine diseases by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare
Published the first CT guide journal article
Published a US medical textbook ≪The Practice of Minimally Invasive Spinal Technique≫ 7 chapters
Opened Gimpo Airport Wooridul Hospital
Estabilished Soft Stabilization
Estabilished a non-blood transfusion with the minimally invasive crew fixation
Developed WSH cervical endoscopy set for cervical soft disc herniation
Developed 3D medical image viewer program
Opened Spine Health Screening & Promotion Center
Established digital operating system
Adopted spine stabilization machine: Centaur for the first in Korea
Chairman, Sang Ho Lee, appointed as president at Asian Academy of Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery
Adopted international Tele-Conference system
Published a US medical textbook ≪Lasers in the Musculoskeletal System - Percutaneous cervical discectomy with endoscopic laser≫ chapter
Launched interantional Fellowship Course
Estabilished Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Fixation
Estabilished Cervical Discectomy using high-resolution endoscope
Estabilished Unilateral Hemilaminectomy for Intraspinal Tumors
Published a french medical textbook ≪Surgical Techniques in Orthopaedics and Traumatology-Percutaneous cervical discectomy≫ chapter
Estabilished and developed Percutaneous Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy and Stabilization
Estabilished and developed Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Fixation instrument and screw development
Designated as international training center and Korea branch of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons (RCPS)
The 4th International Workshop for Mini-ALIF
The 5th International Workshop for Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy (PELD)
Published a UK medical textbook ≪Lasers in the Musculoskeletal System-Percutaneous cervical discectomy with endoscopic laser≫ chapter
Estabilished CT-Guided Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy, Spinal Root Block, and Lumbar Discography
Developed spondylolisthesis surgery without laminectomy and instrument
Designated as international training center of ISMISS
Designated as international training center of IMLAS
Designated as Korea branch and training center of AAMISMS
Held the 1st Spine Total Care Congress
Estabilished the nation's first CT-image Guide spinal Micro-Therapy
Launched Interantional Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Course (MISS Course)
Published a German medical textbook ≪Minimal-invasive Verfahren in der Orthopädie und Traumatologie - Perkutane endoskopische diskotomie der halswirbelsaule≫ chapter
Estabilished Percutaneous Lumbar Facet Screw Fixation(PPF) surgery
Opened Gyrotonic Expansion System Exercise Center
Developed PECD and PELD instrument by our own (Medsys Co., Belgium, WSH Canual, Wooridul Forcep)
Adopted Picture archiving and communication system (PACS)
Started Saturday Conference with network hospitals
Founded Cheongdam Wooridul Spine Hospital (Headquarters)
Opend Spine Total Care Center
Estabilished Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis (LDK)
Estabilished Retroperitoneal Endoscopic Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion
Adopted Order Communication System and Electric Medical Record
Published a book ≪Neck Disk≫
Published a book ≪Back Disk≫
Established the world's first transfusion-free Anterior Approach in a spinal fusion. (ALIF)
Success of Computer Assisted Image-Guided Spinal Navigation Surgery for the first time in Korea
Success of Thoracoscopic Spine Surgery for the first time in Korea
Estabilished diagnosis and treatment of Degenrative Disc Disease (DDD) & Internal Disc Derangement (IDD)
Estabilished the Asian first Laparoscopic Lumbosacral Interbody fusion
Estabilished Open Laser Assisted removal of Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of Cervical Spine
Estabilished Minimally Invasive Anterior Lumbar Discectomy and Interbody Fusion for the first time in Korea
Estabilished Percutaneous Endoscopic Laser-assisted Cervical Discectomy (PECD)
Held the Asian first endoscope spine disk surgery world congress on the subject of “A new future of spine disk operation”
Founded Yeoksam Wooridul Hospital
Opend the nation's first spine health center (Adopted the nation's first MedX Spine Health Strengthening System)
Estabilished Percutaneous Endoscopic Laser-assisted Lumbar Discectomy (PELD)
Thesis of Open Laser-assisted Lumbar Micro discectomy (OLM)
Introduced the nation's first Automated Open Lumbar Discectomy(AOLD)
Published a spine health book
Estabilished minimally invasive disc 자동 흡입술
Estabilished minimally invasive spinal fusion with screw fixation
Achieved the world first spine specialty hospital
Opened Dongrae Wooridul Hospital
Founded Sangho Lee Neurosurgery Clinic