
About WooridulSince 1982, world-class spine hospital

Real Stories from Patients & Doctors

The world is changing rapidly and medical technology is also advancing. What does not change, however, is the sincerity towards patients that the medical staffs of Wooridul Spine Hospital have. We take a step closer to the spine health of patients around the world by taking care of not only cutting-edge medicine but also the inner side of humankind with love. This is the reason why many people around the world visit Wooridul Spine Hospital.

MainI am educating young orthopedic surgeons. The reason I came to Wooridul Spine Hospital is because of the reputation and experience..

우리들병원은 지난 4월 17일부터 23일까지 일주일간 제92회 미스(MISS)코스 프로그램'을 진행,
나이지리아 포트 하 코트 의과대학병원에서 정형외과 의사로 일하는
이비뉴시 시드니 이메카 바우치 박사(Dr. Ibeanusi Sydney Emeka Bauche) 등
6명에게 최첨단 최소침습 내시경수술법을 전수했다고 27일 밝혔다.
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